Decisions and measures under residence law, which may even include deportation, also affect children, whether they are living with their families or as unaccompanied minors. When such measures are taken, children’s rights and the best interests of the child must be given priority in each individual case. In many cases, also the child and youth welfare agencies are involved, e.g. if the child is an unaccompanied minor or if there is a special need for protection for the child, so that an official guardian may be appointed. Cooperation and communication between the foreigners authority and the child and youth welfare agency is often essential for successful support. But is this interaction even envisaged? Does it actually take place or how could it be established? Are there not even rules such as data protection that stand in the way? Constellations that frequently occur in the work of the youth welfare offices around this area of tension as well as possible solutions are the subject of this workshop. Based on the common protection mandate in terms of the “best interests of the child”, the aim of this workshop is to identify and strengthen possibilities for cooperation
Language: GERMAN
Frank Hartwig
Netzwerkkoordinator Frühe Hilfen und Kinderschutz, Landkreis Oberhavel
Prof. Marion Hundt
Professur für öffentliches Recht, Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
Dr. Sebastian Sedlmayr
Leiter Abteilung Advocacy und Politik, Deutsches Komitee für UNICEF, Köln